I hereby acknowledge that I have read and understood Phil Jaques Pro Cricket terms and conditions.

– Phil Jaques Pro Cricket reserves the right to change or cancel any sessions due to unforeseen circumstances.

– 48 hours’ notice will be given to clients if cancellation occurs, and a refund or credit will be offered.

Clinic Cancelation Policies

– Cancelations more than 7 days prior to the start of a clinic or academy program will be given a full refund.

– For cancelations less than 7 days prior to a clinic or program or once it has commenced, a refund with not be given. Exceptions will be given with a medical

– All cancelations are to be provided in writing to

Medical Consent

– If your child has a medical condition, it is the parent/carers responsibility to seek medical clearance from a medical practitioner before participating in clinics or

– By enrolling your child/children in clinics/programs you declare they are fit to participate in all activities and consent to release Phil Jaques Pro Cricket and all staff
from any claim or liability arising directly or indirectly from programs/clinics. You also indemnify Phil Jaques Pro Cricket against responsibility for any accident, loss,
injury, illness, or death suffered by your child/children during these activities.

– In the event of any illness or accident, the parent/carer authorises any medical assistance/hospital treatment that your child may require. The parent/carer accepts
full responsibility for all expenses incurred.

– All reasonable measures will be taken to provide a safe environment for your child.

Weather Policy

– We will be in touch via email prior to 8am on the morning of clinics to notify of any cancelations due to wet weather.

– If you do not hear from us clinics will run as per normal.

– If weather prevents clinic from going ahead, we will endeavour to find a suitable replacement date, or credit for a future clinic.

– In the event of a heat wave, frequent drink breaks will be taken, and intensity of sessions will be lowered. Children will be advised to have rest and drink breaks when necessary. It is the parent/carers responsibility to ensure their child is hydrated prior to the day and that they have a water bottle and hat on the day.


– Staff may take photos on the day for marketing and promotional purposes relating solely to Phil Jaques Pro Cricket.

– Photo/images will not be provided to third parties.

– Unless specified otherwise upon registration, Phil Jaques Pro Cricket reserves the right to use their content for advertising purposes.


– Please notify Phil Jaques Pro Cricket if your child has any allergies. Please ensure your child does not bring any food containing nut products. Although we will strive to provide a nut free environment this can not be guaranteed. Please advised staff or any emergency medical treatment that may be required if your child has a certain allergy.

By completing our online registration form you give your consent that you have read our terms and conditions in its entirety and understand and accept all terms and conditions.

Any form of booking and/or participating in a Phil Jaques Pro Cricket Clinic, including submitting the online registration form is classed as consent.